Satheesh Vellinezhi works as Deputy Chief Designer with The Hindu, India’s National Newspaper. He took his Bachelor of Fine Arts from the College of Fine Arts, Thiruvananthapuram in 1996. This genial looking water colour specialist has a 14 year rich experience in designing in various media organizations as designer and in various films like the award winning ‘Kazhakam” as Art Director .
Since then he keeps on experimenting with various media like oil, acrylic and cement.
SATHEESH. P B1, SREELAKAM, GOURI GROUNDS, PERUMANATHAZHAM ROAD,PONEKKARA, EDAPPALLY, Aims- 682041 KOCHI,KERALA Ph. 0484 2346666 Mob: 094955 14761Since then he keeps on experimenting with various media like oil, acrylic and cement.
Online exhibition very joyously being inaugurated at the Kochi office
of The HINDU by Senior Assistant Editor, Smt. Prema Manmadhan
Shri Sajeev Kumar, Reporter, BusinessLine and the Cartoonist look on.
Good ones
ReplyDeleteBeautiful depiction of political affairs…
ReplyDeleteCartoons are excellent and i like the stroke.
ReplyDeleteMuralidhar (
Marvelous depictions