E Suresh who draws under his own name was born at Pallikkara as the son of T P Kunhikrishnan.
He has an MBA degree as also an M.A, and M.Phil (Political Science). He presently works as the Project-in-Charge, Students Animation Film-making Programme. He received the National Award for Cartoon from PRCL, Mumbai in 1998 as also the State Award for Cartoon, Lalith Kala Academy in 2009. He was the staff cartoonist with The Statesman from 1997 to 2003.
He now lives at Sreerekha,Pallikkara P.O, Payyoli VIA, Kozhikode- 673522.
Contact Mobile :9447928894
Email :esuresh43@gmail.com

Brilliant ideas and Works...enjoyed
I was reminiscing the bygone years when we were struggling with occasional cartoons in Mathrubhumi weekly.
I am happy that both of us are alive and kicking !
വൈകിയാണെങ്കിലും കണ്ടു.
നേരത്തെ തന്നെ കണ്ടിട്ടുണ്ട്. എന്നാലും ഇപ്പോഴെങ്കിലും ഒരു കമന്റിടാം എന്ന് വെച്ചു. നല്ല ആശയങ്ങള്,നല്ല വര.. ഒരു തിക്കോടിക്കാരന് എന്ന നിലയില് എനിക്ക് അഭിമാനം....
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